William C. Korns

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William C. Korns is a son of Henry Korns, Jr. and Henry's second wife Christina (Shuck) Korns. It took me many years to figure that out. I became aware of him from the following signatures in books that were found in the Southampton Township, Somerset County, Pennsylvania farmhouse of my grandparents Allen Lester and Gladys Edna (Bittner) Korns. Those books are proof that the descendants of Henry Korn of Cumberland and Michael Korn, Sr. of Southampton Township, Somerset County, Pennsylvania kept in touch. In my opinion, that is circumstantial evidence that helps to prove that Henry Korn and Michael Korn, Sr. were brothers. The first signature image below is from the book "Ten Nights in a Bar-Room and What I Saw There" by T.S. Arthur, undated (but originally published in 1854). The second signature image is from the book "Life of Henry Ward Beecher". My mother Estalene (Korns) Dietle owned these books after her parents Allen and Gladys Korns died.

Ten Nights in a Bar-Room and What I Saw There

William Korns name in old book

Reportedly, an article titled "The Serious Condition of an Aged and Well Known Woman" in the October 17, 1907 issue of "The Cumberland Alleganian" states, "Mrs. Christiana Korns, who resides with her son, W. C. Korns, 79 Bedford street, who suffered a paralytic stroke on March last, received a second stroke last evening, and is now in a serious and critical condition. She is 84 years of age, and is the last of a family of twelve children. She was a Miss Shuck prior to her marriage. She resides on the same street where she was born 84 years ago. She has another son, Mr. Thomas J. Korns, living at Chattanooga, Tenn. She is the widow of the late Henry Korns."

William C. Korns was listed as a Cumberland, MD notary public in the 1936 Maryland Manual that was published by the Maryland Secretary of State. He was listed in the Maryland Manual as early as the 1911 edition, and in that year he was listed as a Justice of the Peace. Here's an example of a Maryland Manual listing, but I've lost track of the year of publication:
William C. Kornes, JP, Cumberland, Maryland, from the Maryland Manual

A William C. Korns is buried in the Rose Hill Cemetery Cumberland, Allegany County, Maryland. His tombstone indicates he was born in 1861 and died in 1936 and had a wife named Elizabeth L who was born in 1867 and died in 1958.

The following article about the widow of William C. Korns is from the April 18, 1957 issue of the "Cumberland Evening Times" newspaper.
An article about the widow of William C. Korns.

William C. Korns is listed as the superintendent of the water works in the 1913 Cumberland Directory.

William C. Korns is listed as an agent of the Adams Express Co. in the Bell Publishing Company's "Cumberland City and Allegany County Directory 1895-96".

The following death certificate of Elizabeth Louise Korns (wife of William C. Korns) indicates she was born on April 16, 1867 and died on January 23, 1958.
Death certificate of Elizabeth Louise Korns.

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