1842 Cursive map of Barrelville area

Blue shaded graphic divider line on web page about the 1842 cursive map of the Barrelville area.

The following 1842 map of the Barrelville area was provided by local area resident Mike McKenzie, who also provided much of the interpretive information below. The map is pieced together from small scans that Mike made. The best way to use the map may be to right-click on it and download it to your computer for viewing, using software that allows convenient in and out zooming. Click here to see the map in PDF format. Some of the more interesting things on this map are:

  • The stream identified as "Rushy Run" is presently known as Rush Run. It is also called "Rushy Run" on the old Noah Witt mine map.
  • Barrall's Purchase is identified as the "Lands of S. B. Barrell Esq.
  • Mike reports that the sawmill that is shown along the Barrelville Road (Route 47) appears to be in about the same location as the present day (2010) Curry sawmill. It is conceivable that the 1842 sawmill could be the steam sawmill that was referenced fifteen years later on page 77 of the 1857 "Mining Magazine".
  • As I am writing this, this is the earliest map I have seen that clearly identifies Arnolds Mill (look at the end of what in the present-day is called the Woodcock Hollow Road.
  • Parker Mines
  • Somerset Turnpike
  • Arnolds new mine
  • The antecedent to Route 36 is called the "Turnpike road to the Furnace". I do not recall seeing this road called a turnpike on any other document.
  • A survey for the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad is shown, along with a note that says "The line of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road has not been definitely Located. But the route has been surveyed and the location will not vary materially from the route indicated". The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad did not end up following this route along Jennings Run, but another railroad did (the C&P).
  • The stream called "Jonsie's run" on this 1842 map is known as Mattingly run at present (2010). The 1842 Mount Savage Iron Works Map identifies the same stream as "Johns run". We are not sure about which individual the old names "Jonsie's run" and "Johns run" reference. John Mattingly was an early settler who owned the present-day Paul farm, and both the former and present names may have been in reference to him. Altnernately, the name "Jonsies run" may have been in reference to Archibald Arnold's son who had a name something like "Jonzee" (Not sure of the spelling).
  • Click here to see a circa 1918 photo of the National Road toll house that is identified on the map.
  • By my interpretation, the "Geo. Harding" structure along what is presently (2010) known as "Woodcock Hollow Road" was on located on Deakin's Survey lot 3380. Harding purchased that property from Mr. & Mrs. Henry Hammond in 1835, along with several other properties. Click here to see a transcript of Allegany Co., MD Deed Book R., Page 311.
  • Because of the unique northwest boundary shape, one can tell that he large tract of land immediately below the present-day (2010) Barrelville location includes Jacob Korn's 44-1/4-acre Millstone Hill tract.
  • The map shows the thickness of coal in feet.

    The 1842 cursive map of the Barrelville, Allegany County, Maryland region.

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