The photo below was provided by Mike McKenzie. The photo is one of a number that were rescued from some Cumberland, Maryland area trash a number of years ago by one of Mike's friends.
Mike reports that this photo shows the Town Clock Church that is located on Bedford Street. He found information that indicates that the cornerstone for this church building was laid on June 1, 1848. it was originally a German Evangelical church, but switched entirely to English language worship in 1895. There is a local tradition that the clock and chimes of this church were won in a contest that had been sponsored by the city of Cumberland. In the contest, the first local area church to construct a tower for the clock would win it.
Note the railroad tracks in the background, to the right of the church steeple. After studying this photo, and photos in Cumberland's Herman and Stacia Miller collection, Mike believes that those tracks is near the Harrison Street crossing (seemingly not visible in the photo), which was near Queen City station. He reports that those were Baltimore & Ohio tracks, and a lot of them were removed at some point and a shopping plaza was built on the right-hand side. He indicates that the Queen city station would be on down the tracks on the left-hand side; the station is not visible in the photo. He indicates that the Queen City Station sat where the large Cumberland Post Office is presently (2009) located (which is identified on Google mapping), and Harrison Street no longer crosses the tracks. He reports that just below the Post Office is (2009) the large Martins grocery store, and that store was the location of the B&O rolling mill. He reports that CSX sold that the property to Martins, but retains the large field below Martins which is railroad property that dates back to the B&O era.
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