An 1847 reference to the tavern of Jacob Korns

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The following notice is from the October 5, 1847 issue of "The Somerset Herald and Farmers' and Mechanics' Register" newspaper. I find it interesting because it mentions "Jacob Korns' Tavern". I think the referenced Witt property is somewhere at or near the area known as Pleasant Union, because of the stated distance from Wellersburg and the Mount Savage Iron Works, and because of statement that "the turnpike also passes through this tract near where a sawmill is erected on it." That sawmill appears to be the Witt sawmill that is shown on the 1841 Walter Rogers Johnson map, and appears to be an un-named sawmill that is shown on the 1860 Walker map. Click here for relevant details from those maps, and other information that appears to be related to the sawmill. Click here for an 1850 census record that identifies Jacob Korns (son of Daniel Korns, Sr.) as an Innkeeper.
Notice in Oct. 5, 1847 newspaper.

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