Map of the route followed from Bedford by Forbes in 1758
I photographed this document at the Library of Congress. It was in a collection of materials related to the French and Indian War. Some of the items in the collection were original, some were photographs or photocopies of original items, and a few were from or for 20th century publications. I don't know which of those categories this item falls into. It is titled, "Map Shewing route followed by the force under Brigadier Forbes from Bedford Pennsylvania, to Fort Duquesne, Ohio, 1758." In the title, the spelling of the second word and the Ohio location of Fort Duquesne make me suspect this is an original document, or a photograph of an original document, but I have no way of being sure. The map shows Braddock's Road as going through the headwaters of Georges Creek at the present-day site of Frostburg, which agrees with 1750s maps but is contrary to the mid-1800s research of Sparks and Atkinson. The incorrect location of Bedford relative to Wills Mountain may be copied from a 1755 map associated with Burd's road. Notice the road between Fort Cumberland and Bedford on the west side of Will's Mountain and the obsolete spelling of "Pittsburg". On the other hand, the representation of the Monongahela River seems a little too accurate for the 1750s.
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