John Albert Boston�s mother Nancy, who married George Boston, was one of two Morrison sisters married to two Boston brothers. Her other sister Maria was the mother of two Civil War soldiers, Enoch and Scott S. Boston.



Illinois State Archives


John A. Boston was PVT in Company B of 75 IL US INF Regiment.

Personal Characteristic:

Age: 21                        Marital Status: married                                     

Height: 6�                     Occupation: blacksmith

Hair: black                    Nativity: Money Creek* (sic), Butler Co. PA

Eyes: blue                    

Complexion: fair


* There isn�t a Money Creek in Butler County, PA. IT should have read Muddy Creek.

Service Record:

Joined When: Aug 8, 1862                   Joined Where: Round Grove, IL

Joined by Whom: John Whalon Period: 3 yrs.

Must in: Sep 2, 1862                             Muster in Where: Dixon, IL

Muster Out: June 12, 1865                   Muster Out Where: Camp Harker, TN

Muster Out By Whom: Cpt. Morris




Butler County Press, David City, Nebraska, Thursday, January 30, 1913:



John A. Boston Passed Away January 27, in 83d Year.

  John Albert Boston died at his home in North David City Monday evening about 5:30 o�clock.  Although he had been in poor health for several years past, his death came as a great shock to his relatives and friends, as he had been seriously ill but about 24 hours.  For the past three months he had been unable to leave his home.  Death was due to heart trouble.

  Butler County, Pennsylvania, was the birthplace of Mr. Boston.  He was born May 17, 1831.  On November 6, 1852, he married to Miss Sarah B. Durstine.  They resided in Pennsylvania some four years after their marriage; and in 1856 moved to Whiteside County, Ill.  After a residence of twelve years in Illinois, they moved to Story County, Iowa, where they lived eighteen years.  Then they came to Nebraska and located in Sheridan County, where they spent 4� years.  In February, 1891, they moved to David City.  Mrs. Boston died in David City February 10, 1907.

  Mr. Boston is survived by six children.  They are William A. Boston of Ames, Iowa, Orrin W. Boston of Florence, Neb., John H. Boston of McCallsburg, Iowa, Mrs. Mary Freese of Rushville and H. L. Boston and Mrs. William Wyatt of David City.  One son is deceased. There are 38 grandchildren and 28 great-grandchildren.  Mr. Boston is survived by one brother, W. G. Boston, of David City, and two sisters, living in Pennsylvania.  Two granddaughters, Miss Nina Freese and Mrs. Martin Sherwood, are living in David City

  Mr. Boston was a farmer and blacksmith.  For several years after moving to David City he was engaged in the latter business.

  Mr. Boston served in the Civil War nearly 4 years having enlisted in Company B, 15th (sic) Illinois Infantry.  He was a member of Lincoln Post No. 10, G.A.R., David City.

  For 60 years Mr. Boston had been a member of the Baptist Church.  Shortly after his marriage he and his bride united with the Baptist Church.  For the last 19 years he had been deacon of David City Church of that denomination.

  The funeral services were held this (Thursday) morning at 10 0�clock in the Baptist Church.  The pastor, Rev. D. T. Firor, assisted by Rev. S. D. Bartle of the Methodist Church, conducted the services.  Members of G. A. R. post attended the funeral.  Interment was in the David City Cemetery.

  Persons coming from elsewhere to attend the funeral included John H. Boston, of McCallsburg, Iowa, and Mrs. Orrin W. Boston, of Florence.




The above information was provided by Robert Osborne of Tempe, Arizona.


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