Comp's Church, Somerset County, Pennsylvania

Comp's Church, Somerset County PA

The Comp's Church photo above was taken on December 4, 2022.

According to the 1940 book "Pastors and People of Somerset Classis", Joseph H. Korns and Emmanuel Korns participated in the construction of Comp's church, which was completed on Christmas Eve, 1879. Joseph H. Korns dressed the cornerstone for $2.25 during Feb. 4-6, 1879. It reads "Comp's Lutheran and Reformed, May 3, 1879". In a list of members that was written by Mrs. Harry I. Trautman circa 1905, Emmanuel and Louis Korns are listed as members of the Comp's Church. There were 19 members of the Church in 1900. Comp's Church closed for several decades beginning circa 1905, and in 1925 the 17 remaining members of the Church were worshipping at Gladden's. The book was wrong about the cornerstone date; it actually reads "May 22, 1879"; click here for pictures.

Also according to the 1940 book "Pastors and People of Somerset Classis", an 1861 list of members of the church known alternately as Gladden's, Hoyman's, Kennel's and Gladden's Run includes Daniel and Caroline Korns. A possibly earlier list of members, believed to be circa 1853, also includes Daniel and Caroline Korns. Caroline, Wilson J. (sic) and Immanuel (sic) Korns were members in the 1868 to 1900 time frame.

Click here for a photo of the tombstone of Jacob Leydig. It has a poem on it that reads (and I'm going from memory here) "Reader attend, and copy if you can, the noble work of God, an honest man".

Airplane at Comp's Church, Somerset County, PA.

The photo above is reproduced from volume one of the 2005 book "A Look At Southampton Township Pennsylvania The Way It Used To Be!", with permission of the author. It is a photo of an airplane that made an emergency landing at the church. According to the book, the individuals in the photo, from left to right, are Chester Emerick, Darlene, Dolly, Ken, Jay Shroyer, Chris Emerick, Lavina Shroyer and Effie Emerick.

The church description below is from the 1884 book "History of Bedford, Somerset and Fulton Counties, Pennsylvania".
Comp's church description below from the 1884 book 'History of Bedford, Somerset and Fulton Counties, Pennsylvania'.

The following image (courtesy of Diane Kelly Weintraub) is from the 1918 book "History of the Alleghany Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Pennsylvania". It indicates that Benjamin Troutman donated the land for Comp's church:
This page from the 1918 book

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