Geiger School, Larimer Township, Somerset County

The photo below, from Wayne Steinly, shows the Geiger school, in Larimer Township, Somerset County, PA. The teacher is Irvin Henry Dietle, my grandfather. Wayne's father, who was born in 1923, is one of the students in the photo.
Geiger school

I received the next photo from my sister Dana in 2023. The stains on the siding match the photo above that was provided by Wayne Steinly, proving that both photos show the same building.
Geiger school

The 1876 Beers township map below shows the location of the school on Bittner Road (White Oak Hollow Road is not shown). The church near the bottom of the page is one of the churches at White Oak. Laurel Run is near the right-hand edge of the map.
Geiger school location

The following picture shows the Geiger School building, with Irvin Dietle as the teacher. The stain at the bottom left of the window frame is due to a piece of missing trim. The chained-open position of the door apparently hides another stain that visible is on the siding on photos included below. The window has been screened by tacking the screening material to the outside of the window frame. Click here to see Irvin H. Dietle's list of where he taught school in various years.
Geiger School building, Irvin Dietle teacher.

The following photo shows a Geiger school outing to the nearby farm of Irvin Henry Dietle.
Geiger School outing to nearby Irvin Dietle farm.

The next image is a Geiger School class photograph from the 1930s.
Geiger School class photo from 1930s.

The next image is a class photo from the Geiger School.
Geiger School class photo.

The next photo shows the Geiger School building. This picture came from Ralph Dietle, and it was among the papers of his father Irvin H. Dietle.
Geiger School building, Larimer Township.

The next photo was taken from my grandfather Irvin Henry Dietle's Larimer Township farm. A building in the distance that looks like the Geiger School is circled in red. It has the right proportions, it has a window near the peak of the roof, and it has three windows along the side.
Geiger School building in the distance, Larimer Township. The next photo is a portion of a 1939 aerial photo. The yellow circle shows about where the children were standing in the preceding photo. The red circle shows the building that is circled in red in the preceding photo. The building is located along what is now known as Bittner Road. Scaling the aerial photo, it appears that the approximate location of the school is 39.7829856116589, -78.89268887034233.
Geiger School building, Larimer Township, aerial photo.

The location of the Geiger School is identified on the following portion of a 1929 topographic map.
Geiger School on topo map.

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