Old bridge abutment from the Palo Alto Road

The 2009 photo below was provided by Mike McKenzie. It shows an old stone bridge abutment that he found near where the Comps Road comes out on the Palo Alto Road. He noticed this abutment while looking to see if he could find any remains of the old Fulling Mill/Woolen Mill (he didn't find any remains of that particular mill). The bridge was on an old path that the Palo Alto road took in this area before the road was straightened.

Old bridge abutment for the old path of the Palo Alto road.

The next image is a sketch that Mike made at my request to help me understand where the old bridge was located, and where some other old remains were found, including an old railroad bed and a stone foundation that seems to be in the right spot to be the "S Mill" that is shown on the 1876 Beers map of Southampton Township. As shown on Mike's sketch, the Palo Alto road is now much straighter than it was when the old bridge was in service.

Sketch showing where old stone bridge abutment is located.

The next image is a 1939 USDA aerial photo that has been marked up to show where the old bridge was located. it also shows the general area of several other items that are identified in Mike's sketch.

1939 aerial photo showing where old stone bridge abutment is located.

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