William J. Morrison

In 2007, Robert Osborne informed me that Arthur Kelty Cleeland and his two cousins William J. Morrison and Hosea Morrison, all joined Company F of the 83rd Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers at the same time in Meadville, and all died during the Civil War. Robert also indicated that Morrison family records have Hosea Morrison dying August 1, 1862, which is four days before Arthur K. Cleeland. The regimental history indicates that Hosea Morrison died of disease, and William J. Morrison was wounded at Gaines' Mill, Bull Run and Gettysburg, and was killed at Petersburg on June 19, 1864.

Click here to read a June 30, 1864 casualty report [1] by Captain Thomas A Stebbins of Company F, which indicates William Morrison was killed while on picket duty. His death occurred the day after the regiment had moved into position and entrenched. The document also gives William's physical description; he was 6' 2" tall with auburn hair.

Judson's history of the Regiment describes William Morrison's death as follows: "As soon as night came we moved to the top of the hill, and having formed connection with the Fourth Division of our corps on the left, commenced throwing up breastworks. We were now within pistol shot of the enemy, but they either did not discover us or else did not choose to prevent our operations. When morning came they found a line of works in their front stretching from the Appomattox nearly to the Jerusalem Plank Road, on the east of the city. This was another of Gen. Grant's famous hugs. As the opposing lines were very hostile, it was unsafe for the men on either side to show their heads above the works. Sharpshooting commenced early in the morning and, throughout the day, afforded a great deal of amusement to our men. One of them would put his cap upon the muzzle of his gun and cautiously raise it above the parapet, and as soon as the rebels raised up to fire at it, several of our sharpshooters, with muskets ready pointed, would pour a broadside into them, causing them to drop their heads suddenly, the great merriment of the rest of the regiment. Strategy of this kind was practiced on both sides, and sometimes with success. In spite of the protection afforded by our works, the Eighty-Third lost upon this day (the 19th)one killed and three wounded." The fatality was William J. Morrison.

A letter to his parents on June 20, 1864 states "It is with a sad heart that I now attempt to address a few lines to you to inform you that your son, William. J. was killed yesterday by a ball from a rebel sharpshooter he was struck in the head five minutes past ten ... I would like to write you a better letter but the minnies are flying so thick that I can barely write at all." Click here to see William's military records (773 KB PDF. [1]

The following correspondence relates to William J. Morrison. Most of the correspondence is letters written home by William J. Morrison. One letter was written by someone else to inform the family that William J. Morrison was killed at Petersburg. Another after that relates to a pension matter related to the death of William J. Morrison.

1861 correspondence

  • 09-8-1861.pdf

  • 09-25-1861.pdf

  • 10-28-1861.pdf

  • 11-28-1861.pdf

  • 12-10-1861.pdf

    1862 correspondence

  • 01-28-1862.pdf

  • 03-09-1862.pdf

  • 03-11-1862.pdf

  • 03-19-1862.pdf

  • 05-5-1862-possibly.pdf

  • 05-23-1862.pdf

  • 06-23-1862.pdf

  • 09-14-1862.pdf

  • 12-27-1862_hospital.pdf

    1863 correspondence

  • 03-18-1863-Washington-DC.pdf

  • 04-03-1863.pdf

  • 04-21-1863.pdf

  • 07-21-1863.pdf

  • 07-30-1863.pdf

  • 08-14-1863 text file.pdf

  • 12-27-1863.pdf

    1864 correspondence

  • 01-10-1864.pdf

  • 01-18-1864.pdf

  • 02-20-1864.pdf

  • 03-10-1864.pdf

  • 04-01-1864.pdf

  • 06-17-1864.pdf

  • 10-_-1864-after-death.pdf

    Correspondence, date unknown

  • 04-__-186_-on-the-march.pdf

  • 05-31-186_.pdf

  • 08-01-186_-faded.pdf

  • 08-13-186_-Beverly_Ford.pdf

  • 08-27-186_-Beverly_Ford.pdf

  • 10-01-186_-hospital.pdf

  • 10-24-186_.pdf

  • 10-__-____.pdf

  • ____-7-1862.pdf

  • ____6-1862.pdf

  • date-unknown.pdf

  • hospital-faded.pdf

  • nov.pdf

  • undated-DC.pdf

  • undated-VA.pdf

  • unknonw-date_.pdf

  • unknown-date-.pdf

  • unknown-date.pdf

    Muster Roll
    William J. Morrison, Pvt., Co. F., 83 Reg't Pennsylvania Inf. appears on [1]:

  • Company Muster Roll July & Aug., 1862: Wounded Aust 30, 1862. In Gen'l Hosp't. (Date of Battle of Bull Run)

  • Company Muster Roll Sept. & Oct., 1862: Absent wounded Gen'l Hosp'l Phila.

  • Company Muster Roll Nov & Dec.,1862: Absent wounded Gen'l Hosp.

  • Company Muster Roll: Jany and Feby, 1863: Absent wounded Genl Hospital

  • Company Muster Roll: Mch & Apl 1863: Present

  • Company Musterr Roll May & June, 1862: Sick and wounded Battle of Gaines Mills- June 27 - '62.

  • Company Muster Roll July & Aug, 1863: Slightly wounded in the head July 2d 1863 at Battle of Getteysburg


    [1] Provided by Robert Osborne.

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