The following transcript was provided to courtesy of Margaret Gagliardi.
Somerset County, Pennsylvania
Deed Book 44, Page 421
Dated 1 Feb 1871, Recorded 20 Feb 1871
This Indenture made the first day of February AD 1871 Between RACHEL TROUTMAN of Somerset County Penna of the first part and BENJAMIN TROUTMAN OF THE County and State aforesaid of the other part. Witnesses that the Said part of the first part for and in Consideration of five hundred dollars to her in hand paid by Said party of the Second part at and before the ensealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged Have granted bargained and Sole aliened enfeoffed Released and conveyed and by these present Do grant bargain and sell alien enfeoff, release convey, and confirm unto the Said party of the Second part his heirs and assigns all her right title claim interest & demand whatsoever, of in and to her undivided share of the Surface Soil of the following tract of land Situate in Southampton township county and State aforesaid and Known as the ALEX EMERICK farm bounded and described as follows to wit. Beginning at a part in the (something was left out here) two hundred and twenty five perches and eight rods from the corner, thence South_ four degrees, East ninety perches to a post by land of JACOB TROUTMAN tract thence South thirteen East forty six (46) perches to post thence East ninety nine (99) perches thence north four (4) degrees East thirty nine (39) and five tenth (5/10) perches thence north fourteen (14) degrees East one hundred and nineteen (119) perches, South Seventy Seven (77) degrees West one hundred twenty four perches (124) to the place of Beginning Containing ninety five acres and one hundred and thirty Seven perches (95 A 137 P) strict measure adjoining lands of TROUTMAN SHIRER LIDIG tract and others. Also all her right in the undivided share as aforesaid to all the coal Iron ore limestone and other mineral and Mineral substances as lying and being upon and under the surface of acres of land herein before described to be laid off as nearly Equ_ as possible so as to include the farm buildings and spring well. Also all her right as aforesaid to coal and limestone from any mines that may be found and opened on or under the surface herein before granted subject nevertheless to all the Restrictions Reservations & the provisions her fully set forth and specified in a certain Indenture deed of conveyance form J. D. RODDY & wife and HIRIM FINDLAY & wife to the said BENJAMIN TROUTMAN and RACHEL TROUTMAN the aforesaid parties Dated the 17th day of April 1867 and recorded in the office for Recording of Deeds &c in and for Said County in Records of Deeds Vol. 38, Page 499 & 500 the 6th day of May 1867. To have and to hold the aforesaid right title &c surface three (3) acres of Mineral hereby granted or mentioned or intended so to be with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to the Said BENJAMIN TROUTMAN his heirs and assigns forever.
In Witness whereof of the Said party of the first part to these presents have set her hand and Seal the day and year aforesaid.
Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of ISRAEL EMERICK
Rec'd of BENJAMIN TROUTMAN the consideration within now mentioned.
Somerset County SS.
Personally appeared before me a Justice of the peace in or for Said County RACHEL TROUTMAN and in due form of Law acknowledge the foregoing Indenture to be her act and deed and desired that the Same might be recorded as such. Witness my hand and Seal the first day of February AD 1871.
Recorded February 20th AD 1871. D. J. HOMER, Recorder
L. Dietle.
September, 2009
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