The following transcript was provided to courtesy of Margaret Gagliardi.
Somerset County, Pennsylvania
Deed Book 12, Page 103-104
Dated 19 Aug 1825, Recorded 31 Aug 1830
Whereas SAMUEL WITT and GEORGE COOK JUNIOR on the 19th day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty five entered into an Article of Agreement that the said SAMUEL WITT sold to the Said GEORGE COOK JUNIOR a certain tract of land containing one hundred and ten acres, and allowance lying in Southampton Township Somerset County State of Pennsylvania adjoining Lands of SAMUEL WITT and others for the Sum of one hundred Sixty dollars, know ye that the Said parties on the twelvth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty have mutually agreed to cancel and make null and void the above mentioned contract in all and every part by the Said SAMUEL WITT paying to the Said GEORGE COOK JUNIOR his heirs and assigns the Sum of four hundred dollars to be paid as follows to wit Sixty dollars in hand on the first day of October next forty dollars and on the tenth day of November one thousand eight hundred and thirty one fifty dollars (the recorder of deeds the day this was recorded, must have left out some words) and fifty dollars on the tenth day of November thereafter and fifty dollars on the tenth day of November thereafter and fifty dollars on the tenth day of November thereafter and fifty dollars on the tenth day of November thereafter and fifty dollars on the tenth day of November thereafter the said GEORGE COOK JUNIOR doth promise and agree to give full and peaceable Possession on the payment of the forty dollars on the first day of October next to the Said SAMUEL WITT and the Said SAMUEL WITT doth for himself and his heirs and assigns promise and agree to keep the Said GOERGE COOK his heirs and assigns from any further obligations as related to the above mentioned Articles of Agreement. And for the true performance of all and every the covenants and agreements aforesaid Each of the Said parties Bindeth himself his heirs Executors and Administrators and Assigns in the pennel Sum of eight hundred dollars firmly by these presents in Witness whereof the parties have hereunto Set their hands and Seals the day first above written.
GEORGE (x) COOK (his mark)
SAMUEL WITT (signature written in German)
Somerset County SS. Personally appeared SAMUEL WITT and GEORGE COOK
JUNIOR and acknowledge the four going instrument of writing to be their act and deed and wishes the Same to be Recorded as Such. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this the twelvth day of May 1830.
Recorded 31st Aug't 1830, JOSEPH WILLIAMS, Recorder
L. Dietle.
September, 2009
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