John Harden, Southampton Township
Karen Davis has forwarded a copy of an 1838 Article of Agreement between John Harden and Richard Gaumer concerning the sale of 179 acres in Southampton Township, Somerset County, PA adjoining lands of John Witt and Daniel Lepley. The Article of Agreement was witnessed by Daniel Korn, and was recorded in 1839. The identity of this John Harden is not clear to Karen; maybe our readers can help.
Karen suspects that this John Harden was the husband of Catherine Reiber, the daughter of Jacob & Anna Maria (Byers) Reiber. (It gets even more confusing, because John and Catherine had a son John who also married a Catherine.) Karen reports that John & Catherine (Reiber) Harden were married July 18, 1821 in Somerset Co., PA and had several children before they moved to Knox Co., Ohio circa 1840.
Karen believes that the following transactions found in the Laurel Messenger, 1981-1985 (Historical and Genealogical Society of Somerset County) relate to this John Harden:
[p. 59 Nov 1982] "1832 Somerset County Estates" No 5 of 1832--Ann Jemima Blubaugh, Southampton Twp. Died 10 Feb 1832. Will filed 27 Feb 1832. Will written 4 Jan 1832. William Troutman, Extr. He renounces. George Well, appointed admr. Bondsmen: John Hardin and George Arnold. Peggy, a lunatic, is to live with Benjamin Blubaugh, who lived in Knox County, OH. Money is to be used for the maintenance of son, George. Witnesses to the will, David Hay and Daniel Gaumer. Land sold to Michael Troutman. John Hardin and William Troutman, appr. Estate $79.60-1/4.
[p. 54 Aug 1982] "1831 Somerset County Estates" No 32 of 1831--John Blubaugh, Southampton Twp. Filed 6 Dec 1831. Admr. John Hardin. Bondsmen, Stephen Blubaugh and Adam Sturtz. Ch: Sally m. John Taine, Ralph, Jacob, John, Rachel m. Gabriel McKensey, Benjamin, George, Stephen, Peggy, a lunatic, Mary m. James McKinsey.
[p. 76 May 1983] "1833 Somerset County Estates" No. 34 of 1833--Conrad Beal, Greenville Twp. Bond filed 5 Au 1833. Admr. Jacob Cook, Jun. Bondsmen, John Hardin and Thomas Gallagher. Conrad Beal, son over 14 years. George Walker appointed gdn. Widow, Sarah. Ch: Sarah m. Jacob Cook, John, Owen, Mary, Drusilla, Rebecca, David, Joseph, Conrad, Hiram. Drusill m. Andrew Arklie. Sally Beal, widow, renounces. Children, Sara, John, Owen released their share to Daniel Lepley. Estate $490.26. Land beside lands of Nicholas Beal, John Meese and Jacob Yeager, consisting of 1 log house and some fruit trees.
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