Gladdens Post Office near Kennell's Grist Mill

The 1927 photo below shows the old Gladdens Post Office, near Kennell's Grist Mill. It is reproduced from Roger and Mona Huffman's 2007 book "A Look At Southampton Township Pennsylvania", Volume II, with Mona's permission. Their caption reads "Gladdens Post Office & Store in 1927.". Volume I of their book has a more recent photo, and indicates that Charles & Sarah Martz where the last to operate the post office. The caption reads "The Post Office & a store were in the small building on the right and were in operation in the 1800's and 1900's."

Page 683 of the 1906 book "History of Bedford and Somerset Counties Pennsylvania" states "The Kennell gristmill was built by George Leydig about 1818, and rebuilt in 1853, by Jonathan Kennell. This is where the Gladdens postoffice is.".

Old Post Office & Store near Kennell's Mill

L. Dietle
September 2009

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