Dom Farm near Wellersburg, PA

Mike McKenzie provided the 2009 photos that are shown below. The photos show the Dom farm. To get there, one turns onto Furnace Street at the white church, then goes past the Ballfield/Park on Furnace Street, and then goes across the north branch of Jennings Run. After that, one follows the dirt road up onto the side of Savage Mountain. It is the first farm one comes to, and is fairly close to the Big Savage railroad tunnel. (On aerial maps, there is another farm south of it, but you don't see it when driving.) This was Curtis Dom's home place (Curtis had a sugar camp that was located near the ball field, and near where Mike grew up.) This was also Blaine Cook's mother's home place as well. This at one time was a large farm and has a beautiful view of the Wellersburg area. As a kid, Mike and others would go up to the Dom farm and sled ride down the long road.

The first photo below shows the large house. Mike reports that it was well-built, and is located overt op of a natural spring, and it has a water trough in its basement. Some of the house is wormy chestnut, which provides a clue regarding dating of the house.

The next photo shows a small barn that is located on the property.

The photo below was taken inside the barn in a storage room, and shows writing on the wall that reads "Mr. Irvin Geiger, sand patch Pa. March 8th 1917". Blaine Cook's mother indicated that Irvin Geiger was her mother's cousin.

The next photo is an 1939 USDA aerial photo that shows the location of the Dom farm.

L. Dietle.
September, 2009

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