Isaac Harden of Southampton Township, Somerset County, PA

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This is an index to pages on this website that relate to Isaac Harden of Southampton Township, Somerset County, PA.

  • Estate document listing children and property of Isaac Harden (mentions Mariah)

  • Estate document pertaining to Isaac Harden's grandchildren Mary Anne & Levi Troutman, minor children of Peter & Lydia (Harden) Troutman

  • Estate document pertaining to Isaac Harden's grandchildren William, David & Mary Catherine Cook, minor children of John & Eliza (Harden) Cook

  • Isaac Harden estate documents, pages 1-25 (5441KB pdf)

  • Isaac Harden estate documents, pages 26-50 (5933KB pdf)

  • Better scans of Isaac Harden estate documents, pages 1-50 (165352KB pdf) This is a humongous file that took four minutes to open on my high speed internet connection.

  • Isaac Harden estate documents, pages 55-75 (6203 KB pdf)

  • Isaac Harden estate documents, pages 76-101 (6648KB pdf

  • Isaac Harden and his father are mentioned in "Portraits and Biographical Lee County Illinois"

  • Will of Isaac Harden's second wife Catherine (mentions Mariah)

  • Catherine Harden in 1850 census

  • The location of Isaac Hardin's 161 acre home place

  • Isaac Harden references in 1884 book "History of Bedford, Somerset, and Fulton counties, Pennsylvania"

  • Deeds of Isaac & Catherine Hardine's "Porter's Field" property near Cumberland (may relate to "our" Isaac)

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