Circa 1898 Photo of the George Werner family of Somerset County

The first picture below is a low resolution copy of a large framed picture that was given to me by my uncle Ralph Dietle, who is the youngest son of my grandfather Irvin H. Dietle. For high resolution copies, follow the links in the bulleted list. The newspaper clipping below the first picture is from the estate of my mother, Estalene (Korns) Dietle, wife of Irvin H. Dietle's son Roy E. Dietle. I remember seeing that picture in the "Meyersdale Republican" newspaper at the home of Irvin Dietle, Sr. when I was young. Lannie Dietle, February 7, 2023

  • Zoomable high-resolution image of the left-hand side of the Werner photo (2,237 KB jpg)

  • Zoomable high-resolution image of the right-hand side of the Werner photo (1,520 KB jpg)

  • Zoomable high-resolution image of the entire Werner photo (6.85 MB jpg)

  • Images of the overall appearance of the framed Werner photo (html)

    The identifications I made on the following image are based on my understanding of what is written on page 59 of Paul E. Werner's 1996 book "Siefertshausen to Somerset". I'm sorry the names I added to the photo are fuzzy; I saved the photo in the wrong file format.

    Front row, from left to right:

  • Anna Bertha (Werner) Schrock
  • John Werner, with Mahlon Clay Werner on lap
  • Olive Leora Werner
  • Sarah W. (Werner) Baer with Paul Dalton Baer on lap
  • Sarah Edith (Baer) Keefer
  • George Werner
  • Bessie (Brode) Myers
  • Minnie C. (Markle) Werner
  • Sadie Naomi (Dietle) Steinly
  • Susan (Werner) Dietle with Simon Albert Dietle on her lap
  • Harry Dietle
  • John Milton Dietle

    Middle row, from left to right:

  • Mary E. (Binger) Werner
  • Emma Clara Baer,
  • Daniel D. Baer
  • Ezra Ruben Baer, standing behind George Edward Baer
  • Henry William Baer standing behind Susan Naomi Baer
  • Doctor John Claten Werner
  • Mary Estelle (Werner) Osmer
  • Luella Werner (Baker) Sanner
  • Barbara L. (Werner) Brode
  • Mahlon Wilhelm Werner
  • Adam Dietle

    Back row, from left to right:

  • Paul George Werner
  • Eva (Glotfelty) Werner
  • Henry Conrad Werner
  • Emma Clara (Werner) Baker
  • Herman Baker

    Return to the Korns family genealogy home page
