This image is adapted from a color photograph of the Larimer Township, Somerset County, Pennsylvania farm of Irvin Henry Dietle. For a larger 1,412 x 831 pixel version, click here .
Descendants of Johann Adam Dietel
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My sister Dana and I published the book "Descendants of Johann Adam Dietel of 19th Century Somerset County, Pennsylvania" in 1996, after several years of research. A modest number of copies were sold to the various family members we had connected with. The book was prepared on a Macintosh computer. Many years later I converted the old Macintosh files to PC files, and created the following pdf files to make the book more accessible. The conversion from from Mac to PC resulted in imperfect pagination and a few lost images.
Please contact me by e-mail if you have Dietle/Deitle family materials you would like to contribute to this website.
Lannie Dietle
Descendants of Johann Adam Dietel of 19th Century Somerset County, Pennsylvania
Front Matter (133 KB pdf)
Chapter 1: GGG-Grandparents Adam Diettle & Mary Ann (Unknown) Diettle (304 KB pdf)
Chapter 2: Nicholas Dieddle & Mary (Rembold) Dieddle, Ancestors of the Deitle Family Branch (531 KB pdf)
Chapter 3: Descendants of Nicholas Dieddle & Mary (Rembold) Dieddle (715 KB pdf)
Chapter 4: GG-Grandparents John Adam Diettle & Margaret (Ritter) Diettle, Ancestors of the Dietle Family Branch (244 KB pdf)
Chapter 5: Descendants of John Adam Dietle & Margaret (Ritter) Dietle (397 KB pdf)
Chapter 6: Great-Grandparents Adam Dietle & Susan (Werner) Dietle (303 KB pdf)
Chapter 7: Descendants of Adam Dietle & Susan (Werner) Dietle (330 KB pdf)
Chapter 8: Grandparents Irvin H. Dietle & Alma C. (Miller) Dietle (539 KB pdf)
Chapter 9: Descendants of Irvin H. Dietle & Alma C. (Miller) Dietle (700 KB pdf)
Chapter 10: History of the Dietle Surname (204 KB pdf)
Chapter 11: Roy Dietle's Memories of Growing Up in Somerset County (243 KB pdf)
Chapter 12: Beginner's Luck; The Story of Roy Dietle's First Deer (189 KB pdf)
Appendix A: Miscellaneous Individuals and Families (366 KB pdf)
Appendix B: Somerset County Legal Transactions (335 KB pdf)
Appendix C: Wanderbuch of Johann Adam Dietel (4,290 KB pdf)
Appendix D: Report Card of Erdmann Dietel von Bernech (73 KB pdf)
Appendix E: Miscellaneous Documents & Photographs (34,906 KB pdf)
References (237 KB pdf)
Addendum A: Corrections and Additions (4,611 KB pdf)
Supplemental Information relating to Johann Adam Dietel
A 1999 trip to the part of Bavaria where Johann Adam Dietel lived
1999 photos of the Lutheran Church in Selbitz, Bavaria
1999 photo looking down into Selbitz, birthpace of Johann Adam Dietel
1999 photos of street scenes Selbitz, Bavaria
1999 photo of the sign to the Dietel subdivision in Zell, Bavaria
1999 photos of the Lutheran Church in Bad Berneck, Bavaria
The Johann Adam Dietel family listing in the 1850 census of Somerset County, Pennsylvania
Tombstones of Johann Adam Dietle and his wife Mary Ann
Mary Deetle in 1870 census
Supplemental Information relating to John Adam and Margaret (Ritter) Dietle
Photo and 1897 obituary of John Adam Dietle, and photo of his children
John and Nicholas Dietle households in the 1870 census
John Dietle household in the 1880 census records of Greenville Township
Photo of the children of Catherine (Dietle) Faidley
John Deitle mentioned in December 11, 1895 "Somerset Herald" newspaper
Supplemental Information relating to Nicholas and Mary (Rembold) Dietle
Old photo of the Nicholas Deitle farm (now Peniel Church Camp)
The Henry Rembold family listing in the 1850 census of Somerset County, Pennsylvania
The Henry Rembold family in the 1860 census records of Greenville Township
The Nicholas Dietle family in the 1880 census records of Greenville Township
The Nicholas Dietle family in the 1900 census records of Greenville Township
Photo of Nicholas and Mary (Rembold) Deitle
Supplemental Information relating to Adam and Susan (Werner) Dietle
The records in the family bible of Adam and Susan (Werner) Dietle
Photos of the family of Adam and Susan (Werner) Dietle
The obituary of Adam Dietle, who died December 27, 1930
1897 newspaper article that mentions Adam Deitle
William & Adam Dietle families in the 1910 census records of Greenville Township
Photo of Susan (Werner) Dietle with her son Simon Albert Dietle
Photo of George Werner, and his second wife, Minnie C. (Markel) Werner
Obituary of Anna Catherine Werner, grandmother of Susan (Werner) Dietle
1898 photo of George Werner family, including Adam Dietle family
Tombstone of Adam Dietle and his wife Susan
The Adam Dietle family in the 1900 census records of Greenville Township
Supplemental Information relating to John Milton Dietle
1950 obituary of John Milton Dietle
Supplemental Information relating to Simon Dietle
Photos of Simon Dietle and two of his daughters
Supplemental Information relating to Irvin and Alma (Miller) Dietle
Irvin Dietle, Sr. Pocket Ledger (7,377 KB pdf)
Irvin & Alma Dietle kitchen clock
Photos of the Irvin Henry Dietle farm
Photos of the Irvin Henry Dietle farmhouse
Obituaries of Irvin Henry Dietle and his wife, Alma Catherine (Miller) Dietle
Kerosene lamp of Irvin & Alma Dietle
Marriage certificate of Irvin Henry Dietle and Alma Catherine Miller
Group photos of the family of Irvin Henry Dietle
Photos of Alma Catherine (Miller) Dietle
Photo of Alma (Miller) Dietle and other children at the Pocahontas School, 1909
Photos of Irvin Dietle, Sr.
Photos of Irvin and Alma (Miller) Dietle
The Dietle Brothers Sawmill, Somerset County, Pennsylvania
The Irvin H. Dietle family in the 1930 census records of Larimer Township
1987 informal account statement, Irvin H. Dietle estate
Book presented to Irvin H. Dietle in 1910
Click here to see a bit of old VHS-based video of the Wittenburg school where Irvin H. Dietle taught.
Christening gowns from the household of Irvin and Alma Dietle
2021 supplemental info on the descendents of Irvin H. Dietle (prepared by Ralph Dietle)
A mid-1950s photo of some Somerset County Dietle children
Tombstone of Irvin H. Dietle and his wife Alma
Where Irvin H. Dietle taught school, starting in 1917
1941 proposal to Irvin H. Dietle for indoor plumbing and a new furnace
The desk bell Irvin H. Dietle used as a school teacher
Child's rocking chair from the household of Irvin & Alma (Miller) Dietle
Hutch from the household of Irvin & Alma (Miller) Dietle
Irvin Henry Dietle's 1916 diploma
Irvin Henry Dietle reciting poetry from memory at age 86
Video of most of the children of Irvin & Alma (Miller) Dietle
Wooden-handled forks from the household of Irvin & Alma (Miller) Dietle
Children and grandchildren of Irvin & Alma (Miller) Dietle
Photo of Bud, June, Junior, Irving, and Roy
Annotated 1958 aerial photo of the Irvin H. Dietle farm
Photos of the Irvin Dietle farmhouse
Some photos of descendants of Irvin & Alma (Miller) Dietle
Irvin & Alma (Miller) Dietle family tree
Photos of a tray Alma (Miller) Dietle kept on her dresser
Christmas gatherings at the farm home of Irvin & Alma Dietle (video)
Grandpa Irvin H. Dietle's shotgun
The following video is from a 1999 reunion of the descendants of Irvin H. Dietle at the White Oak Picnic Grounds in Larimer Township, Somerset County, Pennsylvania.
Supplemental Information relating to Lloyd Dietle
1927 Marriage announcement of Lloyd and Mildred (Miller) Dietle
Photo of Lloyd and Mildred (Miller) Dietle's daughter Agnes
Supplemental Information relating to Luther and Lerene(Geiger) Dietle
Funeral memorial card of Luther "Bud" Dietle
Photos of Luther Dietle and his family
Supplemental Information relating to Irving and Julia (Dietle) Saylor
Photos of the family of Julia (Dietle) Saylor and her husband Irving Saylor
1999 photo of Irving Saylor, Jr. and his wife Debra
Obituary of Julia (Dietle) Saylor
Supplemental Information relating to Irvin and Patricia (Smith) Dietle, Jr.
Photos of the family of Irvin Dietle, Jr. & his wife Patricia (Smith) Dietle
Funeral memorial card of Irvin Dietle, Jr.
Funeral memorial card of Glenn Martin, Jr.
Supplemental Information relating to Roy and Estalene (Korns) Dietle
Index to material about Roy and Estalene Dietle
Supplemental Information relating to Ralph and Margaret (Hahn) Dietle
Photos of Ralph Dietle, son of Irvin & Alma Dietle, in childhood
Photos of Ralph Dietle, son of Irvin & Alma Dietle, in adulthood
Ralph's FFA photos, Meyersdale High School, 1958 to 1961
Obituary of Ralph Dietle
Ralph Dietle Cradle Roll Certificate, Mt. Carmel Lutheran Church
Christmas card Ralph Dietle received from his Miller grandparents
Christmas card Ralph Dietle received from his sister and uncle as a child
Ralph's 1962 list of high school graduation presents
Ralph's childhood nightstand and flute
Ralph's .22 revolver
Supplemental Misc. Dietle/Deitle Family Information
The Descendants of Robert Earl Deitle, provided by Harold A. Weigle
Dietle in the January 1, 1903 "Individual and Business Directory of Somerset County, Pa."
Dietle family members in Greenville Union Church communion records
Dietle-related social cards, Somerset County, Pennsylvania
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