The photo above reproduced from volume one of the 2005 book "A Look At Southampton Township Pennsylvania The Way It Used To Be!", with permission of the author. According to the book, this was the first school house in Wellersburg, PA, and was built in 1801 by John Barnes. Note the old tombstones in the foreground, and the snow birds on the roof.
The above photo was reproduced from volume two of the 2007 book "A Look At Southampton Township Pennsylvania The Way It Used To Be!", with permission of the author. According to this book, "This building was constructed in 1801 of logs by John Barnes. It was formerly a chuch with a seating capcity of 200. Later it became the first schoolhouse in Wellersburg and records indicate John K. McGee taught in 1803. peter Wilhelm and John Dettering taught school there at various times.". The photo was obviously enlarged from the postcard that is included below.
In regard to the Wellersburg Zion Church, the 1940 book "Pastors and People of Somerset Classis" indicates that the first and second church buildings were log structures, the second being built circa 1820-1825, a school established by the Church was in operation in 1827, and the log structure was used as a school by the borough of Wellersburg after the brick structure was built. This sounds like it may be referring to the log structure shown in the photos above.
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