Peter Petenbrink Farmhouse, Somerset County, Pennsylvania

The following photo is reproduced from volume one of the 2005 book "A Look At Southampton Township Pennsylvania The Way It Used To Be!" with permission of Mona Huffman. According to the book, this is a photograph of the Peter Petenbrink farm house from the early 1900's.
Peter Petenbrink Farm House

The following photo of the Peter Petenbrink farmhouse was provided courtesy of Pattysue (Geary) Winters. A barn is visible at the far right-hand side of the photo.
Peter Petenbrink Farm House

The following photo is reproduced from volume one of the 2005 book "A Look At Southampton Township Pennsylvania The Way It Used To Be!" with permission of Mona Huffman. If memory serves from several decades ago when I drove past this farm with a cousin, this is the Peter Petenbrink farm. According to the book, the house exterior of the house was remodeled to include four large pillars holding up a two story tall porch roof after this photo was taken.
Peter Petenbrink farm.

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